Babies Can Break Their Legs if You Go Down on a Slide With Them

Unit 142- Part A


Unit 142- Part B

galka.jpg Knock down etc.
knock down a building / blow
something down / cut something down etc.
Some old houses were knocked down to make way for the new shopping centre.
Why did you cut down the tree in your garden?

be knocked down (by a car etc.)
A man was knocked down by a car and taken to hospital.

Unit 142- Part C

galka.jpg Down = getting less
slow down   = go more slowly
You're driving too fast. Slow down.

calm (somebody) down   = become calmer, make somebody calmer
Calm down. There's no point in getting angry.

cut down
(on something)  = eat, drink or do something less often
I'm trying to cut down on coffee. I drink far too much of it.

Unit 142- Part D

galka.jpg Other verbs + down
break down = stop working (for machines, cars, relationships etc.)
The car broke down and I had to phone for help.
Their marriage broke down after only a few months.

close down / shut down
  = stop doing business
There used to be a shop at the end of the street; it
closed down a few years ago.

down = disappoint somebody because you didn't do what they hoped
You can always rely on Pete. He'll never let you down.

down = refuse an application, an offer etc.
I applied for several jobs, but I was turned down for each one.
Rachel was offered the job, but she decided to turn it down.

down = write something on paper because you may need the information later
I can't remember Tim's address. I wrote it down, but I can't find it.


{slide=1 Complete the sentences.}flag.jpg Complete the sentences. Use the following verbs (in the correct form) + up or down:
{tooltip}Key.{end-link}2    turn it down
3    calm him down
4    put them up
5    let her down
6    turned it down{end-tooltip}

{xtypo_rounded3}calm        let        put take        turn        turn{/xtypo_rounded3}

1    I don't like this picture on the wall. I'm going to    take it down .
2    The music is too loud. Can you ______________________.
3    David was very angry. I tried to ______________________.
4    I've bought some new curtains. Can you help me ______________________.
5    I promised I would help Anna. I don't want to ______________________.
6    I was offered the job, but I decided I didn't want it. So I ______________________.

{/slide} {slide=2 For each picture, complete the sentences using a verb + up or down.}

{/slide} {slide=3 Complete each sentence using a verb (in the correct form) + down.}flag.jpg Complete each sentence using a verb (in the correct form) + down.
{tooltip}Key.{end-link}2    calm down
3    slowed down
4    was turned down
5    broken down
6    cut down
7    let down
8    (has) closed down
9    be knocked down (or be pulled down or be torn down)
10  turned down
11  was knocked down
12  broke down{end-tooltip}

1    I stopped writing and     put down my pen.
2    I was really angry. It took me a long time to _____________.
3    The train _____________ as it approached the station.
4    Sarah applied to study medicine at university, but she _____________.
5    Our car is very reliable. It has never _____________.
6    I need to spend less money. I'm going to _____________ on things I don't really need.
7    I didn't play very well. I felt that I had _____________ the other players in the team.
8    The shop _____________ because it was losing money.
9    This is a very ugly building. Many people would like it to _____________.
10  I can't understand why you _____________ the chance of working abroad for a year. It would have been a great experience for you.
11  A: Did you see the accident? What happened exactly?
B: A man _____________ by a car as he was crossing the road.
12  Peter got married when he was 20, but unfortunately the marriage _____________ a few years later.


Babies Can Break Their Legs if You Go Down on a Slide With Them


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